Friday, August 16, 2013

Nobody Likes a Copycat

Fashion designers set the trends for the incoming season that fill up the fashion pages of our favourite magazines, adorn the bodies of our favourite celebrities and represent an glamorous ideal of parties, yachts and sunshine that we endlessly aspire to one day afford. I'm all for high street labels taking inspiration from these designers, bringing the seasonal trends into a more affordable price bracket but there is a big difference between inspiration and downright copying.

Primark AW13

Saint Laurent, AW13

I love Penneys as much as the next girl but this exact copy of Saint Laurent's AW13 dress has gone a step too far. Designing a similar piece but changing the embellishment/collar detail/silhouette of the dress would keep everyone happy and still nail the Rebel look- a major trend statement on the AW13 catwalks. The high street need to stick to what they do best- adapting high fashion trends into more wearable commercial pieces for the everywoman. The major fashion houses are already struggling financially- I would hate to see their demise thanks to unfair imitation by retailers. What ever happened to creativity in fashion?!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this is too bad, I see... although, the dress is beautiful! chequered clothing: I do always appreciate.
